The right therapy for you
- Difficulties with emotions
- Life events
- Relationship difficulties
- Isolation and loneliness
- Self harm or ending your life thoughts
- Trauma
- Loss
- Difficulties with food and eating
- Abuse
- Domestic abuse
- Work stress
- Addiction and recovery
- Chronic pain or physical symptoms
- Wide range of mental health disorders
- Other

Difficulties with emotions
Are you feeling overwhelmed by emotions you can’t understand? Do you suffer from low mood or feel tearful a lot of the time?
We can explore these feelings and try to understand them as part of the whole person that you are and the different experiences throughout your life that might have led to you experiencing emotions the way you do.
With this understanding it is often possible to feel less overwhelmed and able to make choices about how we express and deal with our emotions.
“Every moment is a fresh beginning.”
(T.S Eliot)
Life events
Are you experiencing difficult life events and changes that feel insurmountable or make you feel unsure how to cope or where to turn?
Sometimes we face difficulties in our lives that make it hard to see a way out of our situation. Therapy can help us understand our situations and the impact of difficult events on us as individuals.
This can help us see which parts of our struggles we do have some control over, and help develop strength and resilience to find a path through challenging situations and events.

“Everything you can imagine is real.”
(Pablo Picasso)

Relationship difficulties
Do you struggle with relationships and intimacy, or find you make the same mistakes over and over again?
In therapy, we can explore how our current and previous relationships, sometimes going back to early childhood, can affect our relationships and the choices we make about partners and loved ones as we go through life.
By developing our understanding of ourselves in this way we can feel empowered to make choices that help us build strong and fulfilling relationships in the present and the future.
“The first revolution is when you change your mind”
(Gil Scott-Heron)
Isolation and loneliness
Do you feel alone or isolated? Do you feel you have no-one to turn to or that there is no-one there for you when you need to talk? Are you far away from friends and family? Do you have people close to you but struggle to feel understood by them?
There are many reasons why we can feel lonely or isolated, and for many people the pandemic has cut us off from family, friends, colleagues and other kinds of social contact we took for granted in the past.
We can explore these feelings and the importance of understanding the level of social and intimate contact that feels right for you, and this can help you to make the changes in your life that help form a better balance in different areas of your life.

“What we think, we become.”

Thoughts of self harm or ending your life
Have you had thoughts of ending your life or of harming yourself in some way?
Sometimes people have these thoughts when feeling overwhelmed by emotions and situations or feel there is no way out of their current difficulties. By reaching out and talking through these difficulties you are taking the first step in developing strength and resilience to work through the challenges and pain you are suffering. We can explore your feelings and work towards a way forwards that is right for you.
Please do be aware that we cannot offer an emergency service, so if you are having immediate or frequent thoughts of harming yourself or feel unsafe please call 999 or attend Accident and Emergency. There are a number of other sources of support, both in daytime and evening hours, including your registered GP, 111, or helplines such as the Samaritans.
“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go”
Many people have experienced trauma in their lives. This can be through a one off event where they felt in danger or experienced a significant loss or change in their life circumstances. For other people this may be a result of many traumatic events over a period of time, sometimes going back to childhood.
These situations can leave us with a range of difficulties such as flashbacks, anxiety, difficulty remembering what has happened to us, and feelings of confusion, disorientation or distance from the people or circumstances around us.
We can work through your experiences and how events and situations in your past may have led to the way you feel and interact with those around you in the present. In exploring trauma in therapy it is very important that you feel safe and take the time you need to decide how far into your experiences you want to explore.
Together we can talk through whether therapy is right for you at the current time and work at a pace and in a way that feels safe for you.

“I don’t need it to be easy, I need it to be worth it.”
( Lil Wayne)

Have you experienced bereavement or loss?
There are many ways we can experience loss at different stages in our lives. Sometimes this may be through the loss of a loved one. It could be through ending a relationship, moving away from home, or losing a job, but there are many other forms of loss we can experience such as facing changes in our health or through the letting go of a dream or hope. These are painful experiences and often change our lives forever.
Through therapy we can explore the meaning of your loss, and how it may be possible to heal and grow even after the most painful of losses.
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”
Difficulties with food and eating
Do you have a problematic relationship with food or have difficulty controlling what you eat? Do you worry about your weight and body image or find thinking about food causes you distress?
There are many different kinds of difficulties people can experience with food and eating, and we can explore these concerns in a safe and supportive place, and work towards developing a healthier relationship with food.

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”
(Nelson Mandela)

Have you survived a difficult childhood or experiences such as neglect, emotional, sexual or physical abuse that have left you with painful memories and emotions that you struggle with? Are these experiences affecting your life and relationships in the present and making it difficult for you to move forwards in life with confidence?
We can find a safe space for you to explore these experiences at a pace that feels comfortable for you.
“A ship is always safe at shore, but that is not what it's built for”
(Albert Einstein)
Domestic abuse
Have you had thoughts of ending your life or of harming yourself in some way?
Sometimes people have these thoughts when feeling overwhelmed by emotions and situations or feel there is no way out of their current difficulties. By reaching out and talking through these difficulties you are taking the first step in developing strength and resilience to work through the challenges and pain you are suffering. We can explore your feelings and work towards a way forwards that is right for you.
Please do be aware that we cannot offer an emergency service, so if you are having immediate or frequent thoughts of harming yourself or feel unsafe please call 999 or attend Accident and Emergency. There are a number of other sources of support, both in daytime and evening hours, including your registered GP, 111, or helplines such as the Samaritans.

“Silence isnt empty, its full of answers.”

Work stress
Are you suffering stress at work or feeling overwhelmed or unsupported in the environment you are working in?
The pandemic has changed the way all of us work, and has created new challenges and uncertainties for many people. Relationships in workplaces and altered workloads and expectations along with changes in the job market have created a range of stresses.
Therapy can be helpful to explore how these have impacted on you as an individual, and can help you to understand and make decisions about your working life.
“You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.”
(Bob Marley)
Addiction and recovery
Have you used drugs or alcohol as a way of coping with traumatic events in the past or to manage painful memories or emotions? Do you have difficulty controlling other behaviours and habits such as gambling or gaming that are causing you distress? Are you in recovery from addiction and struggling to rebuild your life and relationships?
Therapy can offer a calm, non-judgemental and reflective space to support your journey, whatever stage you are at and help you develop resilience and hope for the future.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be”
(Lao Tzu)

Chronic pain or physical symptoms
Do you suffer from chronic pain, headaches, sleep problems or other physical symptoms that are affecting your quality of life?
There can be many reasons why we experience physical symptoms, and at times they may be unexplained. Whatever the underlying cause may be, therapy can help understand our own experience of pain and other symptoms, and how the mind and body relate to each other.
“It isn’t where you came from. It’s where you’re going that counts.”
(Ella Fitzgerald)
Wide range of mental health disorders
Have you been diagnosed with a mental health disorder such as depression or anxiety? Are you taking medication for a mental health condition?
Having a confidential supportive space to understand your illness can help you in your treatment and recovery. For many mental health disorders such as mild to moderate anxiety and depression, therapy may be effective on its own, in other situations therapy can work alongside medication.
We can talk through your situation and work together to find the best solution for you.
It is important to be aware that we cannot offer an emergency service so if you feel you or a loved one are facing an immediate mental health crisis, please contact your GP, 111, 999 or visit your local Accident and Emergency department

“I will remember and recover, not forgive and forget.”

… and if you are unsure whether therapy is for you
There are many other reasons you may seek therapy or want a confidential space to explore thoughts, feelings, emotions and your personal situation. Please reach out if you are unsure if therapy would be right for you but would like to know more.